Relief from Depression

Written by Laura Carr

Woman sitting and looking out window

Depression—it’s not who you are!

Depression takes over people’s lives and at its extreme can talk them into taking their life. Here is the very good news; Depression is NOT who you are, but it feels like it is. For many they put on a mask in an attempt to keep the depression hidden; which creates an even greater sense of isolation. It feels like a secret you can’t get away from. Depression can have a biological component* and/or an environmental component. In therapy you will learn how the process of depression happens specifically to you. How does it talk to you? How does it feel in your body? What are the dominant narratives underlying the depression? What insecurities and/or traumas does it activate for you? How do you cope (or sabotage)? You will learn how to work with the patterns of depression to slowly take your life back. You will learn tools and ways to support yourself to the other side of depression; and, how to survive during depressive cycles. It will take effort and willingness. Getting your life back is the fight of your life…AND…it is worth it; YOU are worth it.

*To assess if the depression has a biological component we can discuss the possibility of meeting with a psychiatrist to see if medication would be appropriate.

Below are some of the clues you may be struggling with depression:

Do you struggle with motivation? Getting out of bed? Feel the weight of the world on your shoulders? Feel like you are never doing enough? Thoughts of wanting to die? Do you try to feel better with drugs, alcohol, shopping, sex, food, exercise, TV, or other destructive behaviors? Do you ever self-harm?  Are you angry all the time (depression in men can often look like “anger management issues)? Do you put a smile on your face, even though you are suffering inside? Have you stopped enjoying things in life? Do you feel like there is no way out? How does depression show up for you? It could be a few of these or all of them?

If you think you are struggling with depression, you are not alone and you can get support. Reach out to one of our therapists (or someone else). Finding a good fit with a therapist is crucial. We’d love to assess if we are right for you. If not, we can also provide you a list of names. Wishing you the best on your journey to freedom.


The Internal Cycle


Ending Self-Hate