Couples Therapy

Couples Therapy
Relationships are the playground for learning about oneself! Our partners become mirrors for unresolved issues within ourselves. What? We know - this is often a hard pill to swallow for most people. We are attracted to people who will push the very buttons we need pushed in order to evolve and transcend that issue.
Most of us are not provided healthy role models for relationships in our childhoods. And, the influences of society regarding gender roles, expectations, rules for dating, sex, marriage, meeting our needs, communicating, asking for what we want or need, setting boundaries, self-care, saying no, negotiating, showing love, dealing with differences, etc. can be counterintuitive and unhelpful!
Our socialization kind of set us up to fail in relationships. How are we to know who to create healthy relationships with, if we have never been taught the necessary skills? And, in all actuality, what we’ve been taught may actually be what NOT to do. Yikes! Thank goodness what we have learned can be unlearned so we can heal and learn more effective ways to connect.
Relationship counseling helps each partner to understand their own inner dynamic as well as the relationship dynamics that are creating the difficulties. Armed with this knowledge, you will also learn skills to slow down, accurately identify what is happening for you, tools to take care of yourself and tools to communicate with your partner. While not easy, it is doable and you can transform not only your relationship with your partner, but the relationship with yourself.
You are not alone. Reach out to one of our therapists today.